DITA Specialization Tutorial: Beta 1

Eliot Kimber reports [1]:

I've gotten my DITA specialization tutorial far enough along that I
thought I could publish it safely. The tutorial is now available in HTML
and as a downloadable package (including all the source content and
whatnot) here: 

I always welcome comments and corrections but since this is still a work
in progress, I really want constructive feedback that will help me make
the tutorial better.

What's there now is a general overview of DITA specialization, a
tutorial on domain specialization and a tutorial on domain attribute
specialization (the same one I posted to my blog a while back).

Now that I have my publishing infrastructure in place I will start in on
writing the topic and map specialization tutorials.

I want to especially thank Deborah Pickett who provided invaluable
feedback on my very first drafts.



[1] Yahoo!Groups dita-users April 4, 2007

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