dita-users Yahoo! Group
Re: args.hdr : how to add image in header
Did the contents of your header file get inserted into your output? Per the DITA OT documentation for the hdr argument, your header file should be a
Re: args.hdr : how to add image in header
I am also new to this and have not used DITA to generate HTML but I would be surprised if you can put and tags in something that is supposed to
args.hdr : how to add image in header
I'm trying to integrate a logo in the header of the WEBhtmml output, but the image itself is not taken along to the webhtml ouput directory my header reference
Re: collection type=sequence
You gave a very good description of your pain but not many details about what is causing your grief. What are you trying to do? What actual markup are you
Re: XHTML: Some submaps not resolving in root map possibly due to ke
What Toolkit version are you using? If Oxygen reports the map as valid this it almost certainly is correctly constructed, which points to a Toolkit bug.
Re: collection type=sequence
Can you provide samples of the working and non-working map markup and the result you expected? Cheers, E. On July 15, 2013 at 10:49 PM "jwarde@..."
collection type=sequence
I am relatviely new to Dita. I am using Oxygen to develop a document that follows the TOC hierarchy of a typical academic document. Main heads, then down 3
Hi Roy, I have written custom XSLT that reads WSDL files and turns them into the DITA structures that I was using to document web services. Also, the tool
Hello Roy, There's a free Dogen utility created by my collegue, which helps to document wsdl and databases - www.dogentool.com. HTH Regards, Kate
Does anyone out there have any experience of documenting a Web Services interface by generating DITA from WSDL? There's a tool called TechWriter which
Re: DITA - Change color in para
Normally to make that change of this type, as a beginner, you may wish to read DITA Solo Writer which could get you started with Dita Dita Ot quickly:-) I grew
DITA - Change color in para
Hi, how make to change color of element of phrase ? for example in paragraph
Change color in para
I want to make red on word 'para' Thank you BestRe: XHTML: Some submaps not resolving in root map possibly due to ke
Hi Jason, Can you make the keyref map into a topic?
XHTML: Some submaps not resolving in root map possibly due to keyref
Hi all, I have a problem with one of my projects that is stumping me. So, I'm hoping that someone here can point out something I'm missing or provide a way to
Re: How to Control Contents With Only1 DITA Map Without Using Condit
Rob's advice is spot-on. This is how we do it at work and it works quite well!
Metadata tag error
I have the following error:
"[DOTJ038E] The tag "metadata" is specialized from non-predefined metadata. Please make sure that tag "metadata" is specialized
Re: Unable to specify an oXygen profiling condition set in a transfo
Radu, thanks, I am able to build successfully after changing the path of the output directory. But, running into some other issues. I will update them to find
[DITA] PUB$ Explication
Hi, In an example i found : blebla PUB$ blabla What is PUB$ ? Thank you for help Best regards
Re: Unable to specify an oXygen profiling condition set in a transfo
Thanks Radu. I will keep you posted after I try this work around. Regards, Balaji K
Re: Unable to specify an oXygen profiling condition set in a transfo
Hi Balaji, The build process tries to create a JAR library in: F:\eclipse1\teamforge.user_teamforge.user.jar and it fails to do so, possibly because the