April Meeting of the Silicon Valley DITA User's Group
The April meeting of the DITA SIG is scheduled for Wednesday, 04/12 at 7:00PM at Cisco.
We will feature an open discussion and recap of the DITA track presentations from the Content Management Strategies Conference in San Francisco. Folks who attend the sessions will report back to the group what they learned, their impressions, and other interesting tidbits.
Please RSVP to Carolyn Henry by 04/11 at henryca@us.ibm.com if you're planning to attend. We will need a list of all attendees at least 24 hours ahead of time for security reasons.
Directions to Meeting:
Meeting room at Cisco
Building 15, 3750 Cisco Way 95134
Meet at 7:00PM in the lobby to be escorted in.
Sign in. David Trousdale will be our official Cisco escort.
Pizza: We will order pizzas from Round Table and split the cost when we get there - don't forget to bring a little cash if you want some food.
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