XML Webinar: Transforming XML
Session 3: Transforming XML - Understanding the mechanisms used to Conditionally process and Transform your documents
Date: Thursday October 15, 2009 (1:00pm EDT, 11:00am MDT, 9:00am PDT)
Length: 1.5 hours; 60 min presentation time and 30 min Q&A time.
Fee: $75.00
In the third installation of the XML series, you are shown the importance of XML tagging in creating audience specific documentation in a cost effective environment. We will discuss a series of use cases where XML tagging has played an important role in meeting timely deadlines by just having your information structured in XML. In this session you will learn how using XML tagging to semantically structure your information will allow you to leverage your XSLT to create specific document output. You will also gain the technical knowledge necessary to understand the difference between filtering your documentation using conditional processing versus filtering your documentation at the transform. This session will use the DITA framework for demonstrations, but will also explain the value of audience specific documentation and how it applies to XML. The Oxygen 10.3 editor will be used for demonstrations throughout the webinar. Each participant will receive the XSL-FO style sheet for PDF output and XHTML style sheet for web out used in the demonstration. The style sheets can be used by the participants in the Oxygen 10.3 DITA-OT or in the DITA OT downloaded from source forge.
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