Content Convergence and Integration 2008
Content Convergence and Integration 2008 is for content professionals who need to find more strategic ways to manage their content in a world where content now gets created and syndicated, integrated, repurposed, and redistributed. Content professionals, from Web to marketing to technical communication professionals, from content management to knowledge management to information management consultants, are searching for new techniques to stay ahead of the curve.
The conference tracks, appropriately enough, converge into three daily themes:
- Day 1: Content – Liz Danzico, Editor Emeritus of Boxes and Arrows, keynotes on The Framework Age
- Day 2: Technology – Salim Ismail, head of Yahoo! Brickhouse, keynotes on The Future of XML Publishing
- Day 3: User Relationships – Michael Fergusson, Chief Products and Innovation Officer at Uniserve Communications, keynotes on Culture, Commerce, and Copyright at Content Convergence and Integration Conference
In addition, the conference is showcasing the special focus area of tourism in anticipation of the 2010 Winter Olympics, which faces all the content challenges being discussed at the conference: multiples types of content converging and being redistributed, being integrated and syndicated, in multiple, complex ways.
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