DITA from A to B - soft beta launch of DITA Users website

DITA Users is a membership website with tools to help writers get started with topic-based structured authoring. (www.ditausers.org).

The site runs a hosted version of the DITA Open Toolkit, so writers are spared the hassle of an OT install. It also uses the new DITA Storm browser-based WYSIWYG editor. So there is nothing to download and
knowledge of XML is not needed.

Each member gets a workspace folder with source and build files (ditamaps) for three docsets. One docset includes the source files used in Introduction to DITA, by Jennifer Linton and Kylene Bruski of Comtech Services. Members can do most of the exercises in the book online, then build their deliverables in HTML and PDF. Deliverables can serve from their web folder or be downloaded.

The site is designed for three types of users:

  • Freelance tech writers who can not yet afford a DITA XML Editor, or are not ready to decide which one, but who want to get started with topic-based structured writing.
  • Technical documentation teams who want their members to have a low-cost easy way to get started. Team leaders and trainers can interact with members online, checking work remotely with the appropriate permissions on their team member folders.
  • DITA XML consultants who want to assist clients over the web. DITA Users gives them a tool they can demonstrate over the web as the first experience for organizations considering the move to topic-based authoring. They can also become DITA Mentors and teach workshops using their own demo materials and our online collaboration tools.

  • Membership in DITA Users will be $100/year after the official launch. It was opened for beta testers February 15 and as of March 31 has 75 testers in 8 countries worldwide. Membership is free during the beta phase. Please consider joining us.

    Bob Doyle <mailto: editor at cmsreview.com>
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