DITA News is a new website that will offer a monthly newsletter, blog aggregation, and a press release mailing list service. It's at http://www.ditanews.com .
DITA News is modelled on two of my CMS (content management) efforts:
Like CMS News, the new DITA News site will aggregate key bloggers from the DITA community. If you blog on DITA, we will be glad to add you to our blog aggregator (you must tag your posts as "DITA" so we can retrieve them).
DITA News will feature links to the latest DITA code sources on its home page - DITA Specifications, DTDs, Schemas, the Open Toolkit, and the OT User Guide. We will attempt to keep these links current. I've found it hard to find the latest code and specs for DITA.
We will also offer a DITA-specific press mailing list for industry news.
We will seed the new mailing list with the CMS-PR contacts - now about 325 - from leading news sites like cybertimes@nytimes.com and wired.com to all the key players in the CM space like Gilbane.com and CMSWatch.
We will also initially include over 250 DITA Users members. The list will contain unsubscribe information at the bottom of each email, so it will be easy to opt out.
We will publish a monthly DITA Newsletter to this mailing list.
We welcome your submissions of articles for the DITA Newsletter. All author rights will remain with contributors, as DITA Newsletter will just get non-exclusive rights to content. First issue will be early August - featuring DITA 1.1 and FrameMaker 8 perhaps. Contributions are most welcome.
We will also allow DITA vendors to use the mailing list for press releases. We hope that DITA vendors will take advantage of this important service. We will require their posts to be tagged, probably with [PR] to allow them to be filtered out or ignored by those who do not want PR.
The DITA Newsletter and important press releases will be archived to the website so they will be findable from Google searches.
I hope you like this idea - and will provide me with your comments and criticisms if you do not.
DITA News extends our network of websites in support of the OASIS DITA Standard.
Others include:
DITA Users - helping members get started with topic-based structured writing. http://www.ditausers.org
DITA Infocenter - a searchable Eclipse Help knowledge base for the DITA Specifications and Open Toolkit. http://www.ditainfocenter.com.
More to come...
Bob Doyle. (editor@cmsreview.com)
- the CMS-PR mailing list, which I set up for a conference on open-source content management (OSCOM) that I helped organize at Harvard in 2003,
- the CMS News website, which has been aggregating bloggers for years. (http://www.CMS-News.org )
Like CMS News, the new DITA News site will aggregate key bloggers from the DITA community. If you blog on DITA, we will be glad to add you to our blog aggregator (you must tag your posts as "DITA" so we can retrieve them).
DITA News will feature links to the latest DITA code sources on its home page - DITA Specifications, DTDs, Schemas, the Open Toolkit, and the OT User Guide. We will attempt to keep these links current. I've found it hard to find the latest code and specs for DITA.
We will also offer a DITA-specific press mailing list for industry news.
We will seed the new mailing list with the CMS-PR contacts - now about 325 - from leading news sites like cybertimes@nytimes.com and wired.com to all the key players in the CM space like Gilbane.com and CMSWatch.
We will also initially include over 250 DITA Users members. The list will contain unsubscribe information at the bottom of each email, so it will be easy to opt out.
We will publish a monthly DITA Newsletter to this mailing list.
We welcome your submissions of articles for the DITA Newsletter. All author rights will remain with contributors, as DITA Newsletter will just get non-exclusive rights to content. First issue will be early August - featuring DITA 1.1 and FrameMaker 8 perhaps. Contributions are most welcome.
We will also allow DITA vendors to use the mailing list for press releases. We hope that DITA vendors will take advantage of this important service. We will require their posts to be tagged, probably with [PR] to allow them to be filtered out or ignored by those who do not want PR.
The DITA Newsletter and important press releases will be archived to the website so they will be findable from Google searches.
I hope you like this idea - and will provide me with your comments and criticisms if you do not.
DITA News extends our network of websites in support of the OASIS DITA Standard.
Others include:
DITA Users - helping members get started with topic-based structured writing. http://www.ditausers.org
DITA Infocenter - a searchable Eclipse Help knowledge base for the DITA Specifications and Open Toolkit. http://www.ditainfocenter.com.
More to come...
Bob Doyle. (editor@cmsreview.com)