DITA Pocket Guide: user groups offer

Is your DITA User Group on the lookout for resources to provide to members and meeting attendees?  SiberLogic is providing packs of mail-in order cards for our handy and highly recommended DITA Pocket Guide for distribution at your meetings throughout the year.  The cards are free, the DITA Pocket Guides are free, and shipping (of both cards and guides) is free...  Just email sandi@siberlogic.com with the quantity you need.



"The DITA Pocket Guide is a great resource that DITA users seem to truly appreciate. Thanks for making it available!" Don Day, Chair of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee and member of the DITA XML.org Editorial Board, which drives adoption of DITA.




Best regards, Sandi Castle, SiberLogic, Inc. www.siberlogic.com/dita

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