Resource Directory

DITA Specialization Demonstration

Movie of a "live" version of DITA Specialization Tutorial, presented to the Central Texas DITA Users Group (CTDUG) by Eliot Kimber (aka Dr. Macro) of Really Strategies.

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X-Pubs 2007 - DITA Specialization and S1000D

DITA is both a markup language and architecture for defining new markup languages, or creating DITA-compatible flavours of existing languages. Can DITA be specialized to support the S1000D standard, enabling standardized content reuse, integration, and publishing with S1000D-compatible content in a DITA-compliant toolset? If it can, then a strong reuse and integration relationship would become possible between the two standards, with sharable infrastructure, content, and publishing streams. 

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X-Pubs 2007 - Keynote: DITA in Context

DITA’s capabilities are being put to the test with a wide range of adoption contexts with very different requirements. Can it scale from small shops to industry consortia? Can it adapt to new audiences, new content types, new development methodologies?

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DITA analysis spreadsheet

You can use the DITA analysis template to analyze existing content and recommend changes. You can also use it as a content specification when analysis is complete. See the instructions tab for information on how to use it.

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Lone-DITA: A DITA Community for Small Documentation Teams

The Lone-DITA site ( aims to help small documentation teams and small/medium organizations to evaluate and implement DITA. The main feature of the site is a comprehesive tutorial that will guide users through the all major stages necessary to create technical documents using DITA and the DITA Open Toolkit.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I