DITA Webinar: Why VP's Fear Documentation (with JoAnn Hackos)

7 Sep 2006 - 11:00 - 12:00
Event Type: 
Join Astoria, NCR Teradata, and Dr. JoAnn Hackos at 2pm EST, September 7, 2006 for Why VP’s Fear Documentation, a free one-hour webinar that will explore how the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA), an information standard adopted by leading organizations for technical documentation, is allaying documentation fears and improving time-to-market for products. During this webinar attendees will learn how to adopt the latest product documentation advancements to:

* Reduce time-to-market by leveraging existing content resources
* Gain more control and visibility into document creation and management
* Create better documents in less time, with less effort, and lower production costs

Register today!
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