Eliot Kimber Specialization Tutorial in Boston
Blog entry: Submitted by Bob Doyle on Sat, 2008-02-23 03:38.
Eliot Kimber presented his Specialization in Real Time Tutorial at our Boston DITA Users Group
He created a topic specialization for a valentine!
Eliot has given his real-time specialization tutorial to DITA user groups in Austin, TX and Boulder, CO, and now Boston.
We videotaped Eliot. You can see the video at media.skybuilders.com/DITA/KimberSpecialization/. Unfortunately our camcorder had a lot of problems with the color.
We posted Eliot's Powerpoint presentation slides as well. You can find them at www.ditausers.org/tutorials/specialization/KimberBDUG.ppt
We would like to thank Endeca Technologies for hosting our BDUG meeting.
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