DITA-OT 1.4.1 Release
DITA Open Toolkit version 1.4.1
DITA-OT 1.4.1 was released November 28, 2007. Version 1.4.1 is a maintenance release which includes primarily bug fixes, along with a few small patches and enhancements.
The 1.4.1 release was followed by a release 1.4.2; release notes for that are available here: DITA-OT 1.4.2 Release.
Release Notes
The original release announcement is available here: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/dita-users/message/8115
The following updates are available in DITA-OT 1.4.1:
Bug fixes: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=132728&atid=725074
1. 1833801 Infinite loop in MapMetaReader
2. 1833796 move-meta-entries creates invalid XML
3. 1827055 Dita 1.4 move metadata method failing
4. 1819663 XHTML processing add in output files.
5. 1815155 Using xref moves output directory
6. 1807808 Java TopicMerge calling XSLT transformer with URL not file
7. 1806728 Merge doesn't normalize filenames
8. 1806130 chunk module wraps long lines
9. 1806081 <dita> without class attribute triggers warning
10. 1803190 XHTML: processing <xref> to <a title="">
11. 1803183 XHTML: <b> and <xref> within <pre>
12. 1796207 topicmeta in ditamap causes build failure
13. 1782109 Title input to Help Compiler invalid for taskbook example
14. 1779066 [DOTX031E] Errors
15. 1770571 Chunk "to-content" on map not implemented
16. 1732678 Map without DOCTYPE declaration produces odd error
17. 1675195 No Error Location for Titleless Topic
18. 1639672 The Toolkit does not properly support valid xml:lang values.
19. 1639344 Xref : topicpull : the spectitle not used as linktext
20. 1628937 Rename supportingboth.ditaand.xmlinaditamap.dita
21. 1584187 Bookmap 1.1: <title> element breaks topicmerge
22. 1563093 Difficult to find location of error
23. 1505172 foimgext Considered Harmful
Patches: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=132728&atid=725076
1. 1741302 Prevent indexterm crash with two-letter language codes
2. 1630214 HTML Help HHP generator: Language tag
3. 1498936 Failure when moving links with embedded mathml
4. 1481586 CSS for ditamap-to-HTML TOC
5. 1457541 xref to elements fails within topics in PDF
Enhancements: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=132728&atid=725077
1. 1764910 Allow greater control over the output directory
2. 1764905 Allow option to build only topics listed in the map
3. 1725280 Improve error reporting in general
4. 1686939 Make dita.list into an XML file
5. 1676947 Integration points for passing params to XSL
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