Design for enhancing the command line help
Book page: Submitted by charlie on Tue, 2006-06-20 03:06.
Make command line help to improve the usability of command line. Users can know the version of toolkit and how to use comman line from the help.
Design Description:
1. Add printUsage method to CommandLineInterface
* Prints the usage information for this class to <code>System.out</code>.
private static void printUsage() {
String lSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
msg.append("java -jar lib/dost.jar [mandatory parameters] [options]" + lSep);
msg.append("Mandatory parameters:" + lSep);
msg.append(" /i:{args.input} specify the input file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /transtype:{transtype} specify the transformation type" + lSep);
msg.append("Options: " + lSep);
msg.append(" -help, -h print this message" + lSep);
msg.append(" -version print the version information and exit" + lSep);
msg.append(" /basedir:{basedir} specify the working directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /ditadir:{dita.dir} specify the toolkit's home directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /outdir:{output.dir} specify the output directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /tempdir:{dita.temp.dir} specify the temporary directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /logdir:{args.logdir} specify the log directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /ditaext:{dita.extname} specify the dita file extension" + lSep);
msg.append(" /filter:{dita.input.valfile} specify the filter file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /draft:{args.draft} specify whether to output draft info" + lSep);
msg.append(" /artlbl:{args.artlbl} specify whether to output artwork filenames" + lSep);
msg.append(" /ftr:{} specify the file to be placed in the BODY running-footing area" + lSep);
msg.append(" /hdr:{args.hdr} specify the file to be placed in the BODY running-heading area" + lSep);
msg.append(" /hdf:{args.hdf} specify the file to be placed in the HEAD area" + lSep);
msg.append(" /csspath:{args.csspath} specify the path for css reference" + lSep);
msg.append(" /css:{args.css} specify user css file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /cssroot:{args.cssroot} specify the root directory for user specified css file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /copycss:{args.copycss} specify whether to copy user specified css files" + lSep);
msg.append(" /indexshow:{args.indexshow} specify whether each index entry should display within the body of the text itself" + lSep);
msg.append(" /outext:{args.outext} specify the output file extension for generated xhtml files" + lSep);
msg.append(" /xsl:{args.xsl} specify the xsl file used to replace the default xsl file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /cleantemp:{clean.temp} specify whether to clean the temp directory before each build" + lSep);
msg.append(" /foimgext:{} specify the extension of image file in pdf transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /javahelptoc:{args.javahelp.toc} specify the root file name of the output javahelp toc file in javahelp transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /javahelpmap:{} specify the root file name of the output javahelp map file in javahelp transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /eclipsehelptoc:{args.eclipsehelp.toc} specify the root file name of the output eclipsehelp toc file in eclipsehelp transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /eclipsecontenttoc:{args.eclipsecontent.toc} specify the root file name of the output Eclipse content provider toc file in eclipsecontent transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /provider:{args.eclipse.provider} specify the provider name of the eclipse help output" + lSep);
msg.append(" /version:{args.eclipse.version} specify the version number of the eclipse help output" + lSep);
msg.append(" /xhtmltoc:{args.xhtml.toc} specify the root file name of the output xhtml toc file in xhtml transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /ditalocale:{args.dita.locale} specify the locale used for sorting indexterms." + lSep);
msg.append(" /fooutputrellinks:{} specify whether to output related links in pdf transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /fouserconfig:{} specify the user configuration file for FOP" + lSep);
msg.append(" /htmlhelpincludefile:{args.htmlhelp.includefile} specify the file that need to be included by the HTMLHelp output" + lSep);
2. Add printVersion method to CommandLineInterface
private static void printVersion() {
System.out.println("DITA Open Toolkit 1.3");
3. Add 3 new options "-help", "-h", and "-version" into the command line interface, "-help" and "-h" are used to print usage information, "-version" is used to print the version info.
Make command line help to improve the usability of command line. Users can know the version of toolkit and how to use comman line from the help.
Design Description:
1. Add printUsage method to CommandLineInterface
* Prints the usage information for this class to <code>System.out</code>.
private static void printUsage() {
String lSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
msg.append("java -jar lib/dost.jar [mandatory parameters] [options]" + lSep);
msg.append("Mandatory parameters:" + lSep);
msg.append(" /i:{args.input} specify the input file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /transtype:{transtype} specify the transformation type" + lSep);
msg.append("Options: " + lSep);
msg.append(" -help, -h print this message" + lSep);
msg.append(" -version print the version information and exit" + lSep);
msg.append(" /basedir:{basedir} specify the working directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /ditadir:{dita.dir} specify the toolkit's home directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /outdir:{output.dir} specify the output directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /tempdir:{dita.temp.dir} specify the temporary directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /logdir:{args.logdir} specify the log directory" + lSep);
msg.append(" /ditaext:{dita.extname} specify the dita file extension" + lSep);
msg.append(" /filter:{dita.input.valfile} specify the filter file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /draft:{args.draft} specify whether to output draft info" + lSep);
msg.append(" /artlbl:{args.artlbl} specify whether to output artwork filenames" + lSep);
msg.append(" /ftr:{} specify the file to be placed in the BODY running-footing area" + lSep);
msg.append(" /hdr:{args.hdr} specify the file to be placed in the BODY running-heading area" + lSep);
msg.append(" /hdf:{args.hdf} specify the file to be placed in the HEAD area" + lSep);
msg.append(" /csspath:{args.csspath} specify the path for css reference" + lSep);
msg.append(" /css:{args.css} specify user css file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /cssroot:{args.cssroot} specify the root directory for user specified css file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /copycss:{args.copycss} specify whether to copy user specified css files" + lSep);
msg.append(" /indexshow:{args.indexshow} specify whether each index entry should display within the body of the text itself" + lSep);
msg.append(" /outext:{args.outext} specify the output file extension for generated xhtml files" + lSep);
msg.append(" /xsl:{args.xsl} specify the xsl file used to replace the default xsl file" + lSep);
msg.append(" /cleantemp:{clean.temp} specify whether to clean the temp directory before each build" + lSep);
msg.append(" /foimgext:{} specify the extension of image file in pdf transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /javahelptoc:{args.javahelp.toc} specify the root file name of the output javahelp toc file in javahelp transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /javahelpmap:{} specify the root file name of the output javahelp map file in javahelp transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /eclipsehelptoc:{args.eclipsehelp.toc} specify the root file name of the output eclipsehelp toc file in eclipsehelp transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /eclipsecontenttoc:{args.eclipsecontent.toc} specify the root file name of the output Eclipse content provider toc file in eclipsecontent transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /provider:{args.eclipse.provider} specify the provider name of the eclipse help output" + lSep);
msg.append(" /version:{args.eclipse.version} specify the version number of the eclipse help output" + lSep);
msg.append(" /xhtmltoc:{args.xhtml.toc} specify the root file name of the output xhtml toc file in xhtml transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /ditalocale:{args.dita.locale} specify the locale used for sorting indexterms." + lSep);
msg.append(" /fooutputrellinks:{} specify whether to output related links in pdf transformation" + lSep);
msg.append(" /fouserconfig:{} specify the user configuration file for FOP" + lSep);
msg.append(" /htmlhelpincludefile:{args.htmlhelp.includefile} specify the file that need to be included by the HTMLHelp output" + lSep);
2. Add printVersion method to CommandLineInterface
private static void printVersion() {
System.out.println("DITA Open Toolkit 1.3");
3. Add 3 new options "-help", "-h", and "-version" into the command line interface, "-help" and "-h" are used to print usage information, "-version" is used to print the version info.
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