Creating content
Page: Submitted by admin on Thu, 2005-12-01 02:51. Last updated on Thu, 2005-12-01 02:53.
When creating new content, you have several choices about what type of content you want to add to this website. Currently these are the supported content types. Note that a 'book page' is equivalent to the 'wiki' concept.
- book page A book is a collaborative writing effort: users can collaborate writing the pages of the book, positioning the pages in the right order, and reviewing or modifying pages previously written. So when you have some information to share or when you read a page of the book and you didn't like it, or if you think a certain page could have been written better, you can do something about it.
- forum topic A forum is a threaded discussion, enabling users to communicate about a particular topic.
- page If you want to add a static page, like a contact page or an about page, use a page.
- personal blog entry A blog is a regularly updated journal or diary made up of individual posts shown in reversed chronological order. A blog is tightly coupled to the author so each user will have his 'own' blog.
- poll A poll is a multiple-choice question which visitors can vote on.
- story Stories are articles in their simplest form: they have a title, a teaser and a body, but can be extended by other modules. The teaser is part of the body too. Stories may be used as a personal blog or for news articles.
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