June Meeting of the Silicon Valley DITA SIG

NetAppliance 494 E Java Drive Bldg 3 Sunnyvale, CA 94089
14 Jun 2006 - 15:00 - 17:00
The June meeting of the DITA SIG is scheduled for Wednesday, 06/14 at 7:00PM at NetAppliance.

Scott Prentice will give a demo of his own DITA plug-in for
Framemaker project as well as other DITA&Frame tools that are

7:00-7:30 Pizza & Mingling
7:30 - 8:30 DITA with Frame demo and discussion
8:30 - 9:00 Wrap up

Please RSVP to Carolyn Henry by 06/13 at henryca@us.ibm.com if
you're planning to attend. We will need a list of all attendees
ahead of time for security reasons.

Directions to Meeting:
495 E. Java Drive
Bldg 3, Santa Cruz conference room
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
NetApp main operator: 408-822-6000

Meet at 7:00PM in the lobby to be escorted in.

Sign in. James Hom(tentative) will be our official NetAppliance

Pizza: We will order pizzas from Round Table and split the
cost when we get there - don't forget to bring a little cash if you
want some food.

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