New York DITA User Group?
Can we get volunteers to restart the NYDUG?
The single most active content on the website is people looking at the now very dated page for DITA Users in New York.
Here are the all-time site statistics:
New York DITA Users Group 53210 reads
DITA User Groups 19113 reads
DITA Knowledge Base 15766 reads
Resources 13013 reads
Topic-based authoring 12518 reads
We really should be reaching out to these thousands of potential DITA Users in the New York area!
Not that it's easy running a user group. I have been organizing the Boston DUG for the past two years and frankly I am approaching volunteer burnout.
I feel my time is much better invested in the international virtual DITA Users group that I founded last year - now approaching 500 users in 31 countries.
But I recommend it to you as a great organizational and social networking experience, especially for DITA consultants of course. And you will know a lot more about DITA after a few meetings.
I would be glad to help any organizers with lists of successful topics and presenters.
I have facilitated remote presenters, who come to meetings by teleconference using the collaboration toolset at DITA Users.
This month's meeting of the Silicon Valley DIG will have a presenter in Vancouver, connected to me in Cambridge and to the SVDIG by our Elluminate 25-person Academic Office.
If I can help you, send me an email.
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