DITA and wiki hybrids - they’re here

Lisa Dyer and Alan Porter presented at last week’s DITA Central Texas User Group meeting, and both told tales of end-user doc written and sourced in DITA, with wikitext in mind as an output. About 20 people attended and we all enjoyed the show. I wanted to post my notes to follow up, and I’ll post a link to slide shows as well.

This post covers Lisa Dyer’s presentation on a wiki sourced with DITA topics. I’ll write another post to cover Alan’s presentation.

Although, actually, first, Bob Beims shared Meet Charlie, a description of Enterprise 2.0. Seems very appropriate for the discussions we’ve had at recent Central Texas DITA User Group meetings talking about wikis and RSS subscriptions and web-based documentation. So I’ll lead this blog post with a link to Meet Charlie as well.

Lisa Dyer walked us through her DITA to wiki project. Their high level vision and business goals merged with a wiki as one solution, and Lombardi has customers who had requested a wiki. Lombardi’s wiki is available to customers that have a support login, so I won’t link to it, but she was able to demo the system they’ve had in place since July 2007.

Read the complete article by Anne Gentle.

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