IBM selects Stilo’s Migrate automated service for FrameMaker to DITA conversions

February 22, 2011, Swindon, United Kingdom – Stilo International has announced that IBM has placed an initial order with Stilo for the conversion of 30,000 pages of Adobe® FrameMaker® content to the IBM DITA standard.  The order was placed following rigorous trials of the Stilo Migrate online DITA conversion service by the IBM Corporate User Technologies Team.

The Stilo Migrate service enables customers to upload Word and FrameMaker documents over the internet and convert them to DITA on a pay-as-you-use basis. The recently announced Migrate Rules Editor enables non-technical users to adjust conversion rules and incrementally improve the quality of the DITA output generated, significantly reducing the need for any manual post-processing. Text and tables can be converted to custom DITA, images to SVG and equations to MathML.

Commenting on IBM’s selection of Migrate for DITA conversions, Les Burnham, CEO of Stilo International, said: “It has been a pleasure working closely with the IBM team over recent months.  IBM is the originator of the DITA standard, so there can be no organization in the world that better understands the complexities of converting source documentation to be compliant with mature DITA publishing processes.  The Migrate conversion service continues to improve, and offers potential new customers an accelerated, low-cost option for their DITA conversion requirements.”

Further information on the Migrate DITA conversion service can be found at: 




About Stilo International:
Stilo International (LSE:STL) provides on-demand and customizable content conversion solutions that deliver high quality XML, converting content from any source format (e.g. Word, FrameMaker, Quark, Interleaf, InDesign) to any target format (e.g. DITA, S1000D, DocBook, ATA, EPUB, custom XML). Through advanced levels of automation, we reduce content cycle times, lower production costs, and mitigate financial risk with affordable pay-as-you-use pricing models. Operating from offices in Europe and North America, we support customers in Aerospace & Defence, Manufacturing, IT, Telco, High Tech, Publishing and Government.  For further information visit

Helen Owens, Marketing Manager
Stilo International plc
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 441444 Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I