Lottery for free DITA conference tickets closes tomorrow

DITA Users lottery for free tickets to major conferences featuring DITA in June, will close tomorrow, June 13.

Join DITA Users today and enter the lottery. If you are already a member, send us a request saying that if you win you will attend one or more of these conferences:

These free tickets are worth from 384 British Pounds to $999 and are an exclusive benefit for paying members of DITA Users. See Why Join DITA Users.

All members need to enter the drawing is to send an email to saying you will attend the conference if you win a free ticket. We don't want these valuable prizes to go to someone who will not be able to use them.

So join DITA Users today and include your request to be in the drawing for one or more of these conferences in the comments section of your order. If you are already a member, send an email request to

Don't forget that members of DITA Users get discounts to most major conferences that more than offset their annual membership dues. That includes the three conferences above.

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