Revision of Resource Directory: Web Sites from Thu, 2006-03-09 20:14
This page provides links to web sites that feature resource information on DITA. Registered users are encouraged to edit this page by adding sites they feel are useful.
Listed in alphabetical order:
Cover Pages Technology Report: DITA
The Cover Pages is a comprehensive, online reference collection supporting the XML family of markup language standards, XML vocabularies, and related structured information standards. The Cover Pages Technology Report on DITA provides links to principal references, briefing materials, related technologies, and more.
OASIS DITA Technical Committee
This section of the consortium's website provides information on OASIS DITA Technical Committee activities, membership, announcements, specifications, mail lists, and more.
OASIS DITA Technical Committee Wiki
Members of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee use this wiki for collaborative design work and for management of comment responses and other tracking documents. It is publicly viewable, but only Committee members may post to it.
The Center for Information-Development Management
The Center for Information-Development Management is an organization of information-development, training, and support managers across the United States and internationally. The CIDM is directed by Dr. JoAnn Hackos, international leader in the management of the design, development and dissemination of information to customers and employees. Under her leadership, the CIDM conducts benchmark studies among member organizations and elsewhere, sponsors research into information development and its management, gathers and disseminates results and resources through newsletter, web, seminars, an annual conference, and research white papers. The CIDM facilitates the sharing of information among the most skilled managers in the information industry.
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