Diff for DITA Introduction and Authoring Workshop

Wed, 2006-03-29 16:21 by carolgeyerSun, 2006-05-28 19:37 by Michael Priestley
Changes to Title
Intro and Authoring Workshop
DITA Introduction and Authoring Workshop
Changes to Body
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[Describe content here]<br /><br />See the attached files
<font size="2">Michael Priestley, IBM DITA Architect, provides an overview of an information development process and information architecture using DITA maps. The presentation includes demonstrations of DITA map authoring.<br /><br />The presentation includes an introduction to dita specialization and a simple demonstration of structural specialization. <br /><br />It also features an in-depth demonstration of specialization including structural specialization, domain specialization, and processing specialization. </font>
Revision of Sun, 2006-05-28 19:37:

DITA Introduction and Authoring Workshop

Michael Priestley, IBM DITA Architect, provides an overview of an information development process and information architecture using DITA maps. The presentation includes demonstrations of DITA map authoring.

The presentation includes an introduction to dita specialization and a simple demonstration of structural specialization.

It also features an in-depth demonstration of specialization including structural specialization, domain specialization, and processing specialization.
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