Revision of Drawing for a Free Ticket to DocTrain West from Thu, 2008-04-17 03:07

The drawing for a free ticket to the $995 DocTrain West Conference in Vancouver May 6-9 will close this Monday, April 21st.

To put your name in for the drawing, you must be a paying member of DITA Users ($50/year or $100/year members are eligible).

If you are already a member, simply send an email to us saying you will attend the conference if you win (we don't want such a valuable thing to go unused).

If you join now, simply add a comment to your registration form saying you want to be in the drawing on Friday. (You might also send us an email to be sure we don't miss you. )

To join DITA Users, see

You will also be eligible for our May drawing for free tickets to the DocTrain Life Sciences Conference in Indiana and to the X-Pubs conference in London. Both these conferences are in June.

And we hope soon to announce drawings for other DITA-related conferences coming up.

As paying members of DITA Users, you will in any case get a substantial discount off the regular registration price for all DITA-related conferences, which more than recovers your member dues if you attend just one.


Details on these conferences are here:

And you can always find information on all DITA-related conferences at:

Bob Doyle

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