Diff for OASIS DITA Adoption Committee

Mon, 2010-07-19 00:40 by Kristen James E...Mon, 2010-07-19 00:56 by Kristen James E...
Changes to Body
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<li><a href="/resource/dita-12-feature-article-task-model">New task model</a>, authored By JoAnn Hackos, Comtech Services</li>
<li><a href="/resource/dita-12-feature-description-domain-and-topic-integration">Improved topic and domain integration</a>, authored by Marc Speyer</li>
<li><a href="/resource/dita-12-feature-description-domain-and-topic-integration">Improved topic and domain integration</a>, authored by Marc Speyer</li>
<li><a href="/resource/dita-12-feature-article-improved-glossary-and-terminology-handling">Improved glossary and terminology handling,</a> authored by Tony Self, HyperWrite Pty Ltd</li>
<li><a href="/resource/dita-12-feature-article-improved-glossary-and-terminology-handling">Improved glossary and terminology handling,</a> authored by Tony Self, HyperWrite Pty Ltd</li>
Revision of Mon, 2010-07-19 00:56:

OASIS DITA Adoption Committee

The OASIS DITA Adoption Committee exists to educate the global marketplace on the value of DITA for document creation and management.

One of the committee's priorities is publishing white papers about DITA 1.2. The following feature articles have been released:

For more information, see the public page for the OASIS DITA Adoption Committee.
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