Diff for Testimonials

Mon, 2010-08-09 19:45 by jhackosWed, 2011-02-16 14:06 by carolgeyer
Changes to Body
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<p>The DITA 1.2 Specification is nearing the end of its development and release process. We are anxious to learn if your organization is implementing DITA 1.2 features such as keyref and conkeyref, conref push, the constraint mechanism, glossary and acronym management, the learning and training specialization, the machine-industry task specialization, the new safety-hazard specialization, and others. For information about the DITA 1.2 features, see the <a href="/wiki/oasis-dita-adoption-committee">Feature Articles</a> published by the OASIS DITA Adoption Technical Committee. </p><p>Please enter your testimonial concerning DITA 1.2 here.</p><p>&lt;enter your organization's information here&gt; </p>
<span style="font-size: 11pt"><span style="font-family: Calibri,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial"><a href="http://graphics.kodak.com/US/en/About_GCG/News/2011/110215a.htm"><strong>Kodak</strong></a><br />
just two years, Kodak saved significant dollars in translations costs
for implementing the DITA model into their worldwide content developer
department. Results included the creation of numerous published output
types—activities, answer keys for PDF deliverables, and interactive
quizzes for HTML-based deliverables.”</span></span> <em><br />
--Sue Cardot, Worldwide Marketing Director, Service and
Support, Eastman Kodak </em>
Current revision:


“In just two years, Kodak saved significant dollars in translations costs for implementing the DITA model into their worldwide content developer department. Results included the creation of numerous published output types—activities, answer keys for PDF deliverables, and interactive quizzes for HTML-based deliverables.”

--Sue Cardot, Worldwide Marketing Director, Service and Support, Eastman Kodak

XML.org Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | XML.org | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I