Revision of Editorial Board from Wed, 2005-12-14 18:46
Creation and oversight of content for this site is provided by the DITA Focus Area Editorial Board. Participation in this group is open to all members of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee. For information on joining the Board, contact
Editorial Board communications are publicly archived. Submit comments or questions on the site through the Feedback Forum.
Editorial Board Members
Don Day
IBM Corp.
Bruce Esrig
Lucent Technologies
JoAnn Hackos
Comtech Services, Inc.
Jen Linton
Comtech Services, Inc.
Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.
Jerry Silver
Blast Radius XMetaL
Don Day is Chair of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee, project lead for the DITA Open Toolkit, is IBM's Lead DITA Architect, and has represented IBM on the W3C XSL and CSS Working Groups.
Bruce Esrig is an Information Architect at Lucent Technologies. He has worked in technical and communications roles in computing and telecommunications.
JoAnn Hackos is co-chair of the OASIS DITA Editorial and founding member of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee. She is president of Comtech Services, Inc. and executive director of The Center for Information-Development Management. She has been instrumental in promoting DITA with the information-development community worldwide.
Jen Linton is a Senior Consultant at Comtech Services, Inc. She assists companies in their information design, stylesheet design, DITA and XML implementations, content management implementation, process efficiency, and change management needs. She also teaches the XML for Writers and DITA:Getting Started workshops.
Scott Prentice is the President of Leximation, Inc., and focuses on providing tools and solutions for print and online publishing.Jerry Silver is Director of Product Management for Blast Radius XMetaL. He has over 20 years of IT development, management, and marketing experience, specializing in content management, collaboration, database and application modeling and design, application architectures, XML, and Web technologies.
<insert Board 150-word (max) bios, ordered alphabetically by family name. Bios for employees of OASIS member companies should include a link to the member companies' web sites. Individual members of OASIS may reference their present and previous employers, but no links should be provided.>