Wakefield, Mass. – May 27, 2008 – XyEnterprise, a leading developer of award-winning XML content management and multi-channel delivery solutions, has unveiled the latest release of its popular Contenta DITA content management software solution.
XyEnterprise Unveils Powerful New Version of Contenta for the DITA Specification
XSLT transformation problem
I have a DITA topic which I am transforming into another topic. I do this with XLST v1. using the javax.xml.transform classes. When I use <xsl:copy />, the output document has xmlns:ditaarch= atrributes on the elements being copied. The Open Toolkit ( does not allow this to build. How can I either prevent the attribute, or tell the OT to allow it. I have tried adding name space to the style sheet,changing the default name space of the style sheet but cannot prevent the namespace attribute appearing in at least 1 element.
RFE 1982567 design
Part of Plans for DITA Open Toolkit 1.5
Design for allowing file names to include spaces in the DITA-OTWhat user need will be met by this feature?
The toolkit can support spaces in file names now. This means that users of DITA-OT can type spaces in file names and directories, while in the previous version, spaces in file names or directories will generate warning and error messages.
Guide to DITA Topic Types Mouse Pad
Helpful, desktop reference illustrates the DITA concept, task and reference topic types right at your fingertips. Request your mouse pad today!
Self on Help
Proposal for New <context-help> Element
The DITA Help Subcommittee is discussing a proposal to create a new <help-context> element to hold metadata required for context-sensitive Help. The proposal would see the new element fit under the <topicmeta> element in the ditamap, and/or in the <prolog> element in the topic. The element would hold context numbers and/or context strings, and/or a reference to a window description. (There would need to be a separate element in the ditamap that would store the characteristics of a window named in the context-help element.)