DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

[ARTICLE] Stilo DITA Knowledge Series: Getting great DITA conversion results

Welcome to the final article of 2013 in the Stilo DITA Knowledge Series which comprises a range of webinars, workshops and articles intended to help improve participants understanding of DITA and the Migrate cloud conversion service.  Find our more about the series at: www,stilo.com/knowdita

This article has been written by Jacquie Samuels, the owner of Writing Wise, a company that focuses on providing end-to-end DITA solutions. 


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Links Broken

Why are all the links broken?....

I was trying to read some case studies about DITA but none of the links are working.

[WEBINAR] DITA Knowledge Series: Project planning for conversion projects, November 20, 2013 at 10am Pacific

Stilo DITA Knowledge Series
Event Type: 

New element name or just new class (specialization)

I'm quite new in spezialization. I ask myself when to change the name of the element my specialization is based on. Everybody might agree that the name must not be changed if the specialized element is a subset of the base element's content model.

E.g. Element A with content B, C+, E*

Specialized element A' with content  B, C+ is still Element A and so it may retain its name.

But if not: When would you start with a new element name and when a new class just will  do it.

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Single-Sourcing Blog

Free Webinar: TC Dojo Open Session Mon 11 Nov 9 AM PST - "What's in it for me?"

Proficiency in the soft-skills is the key to the success or failure of any project. For example: Are you trying to get your DITA, Single-Sourcing, or other project off the ground? Trying to get your team, people from other groups, teams, departments, or organizations behind you? Trying to get management to support you? Then this session is for you!
  • Session Title: What's in it for me?
  • TC Dojo: Open Session
  • Audience: All levels
  • Cost: Free

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