OASIS members propose 'DITA for Enterprise Business Documents' Subcommittee

Members of the OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC have published a proposal for a Subcommittee focusing on 'Enterprise Business Documents'. The proposal document presents a brief discussion of the increasing usage of DITA for a broad range of narrative business documents that has led to a proposal for a DITA Enterprise Business Documents Subcommittee. It includes preliminary goals of the committee, and a discussion of the rationale for each goal.

From the accompanying message: "In the past year, a growing number of organizations have come to believe that DITA not only provides the best basis from which to start addressing their requirements for structured authoring of narrative business documents, but that characteristics of DITA simplify the usability issues as well. The DITA standard is so compelling, that the absence of a sub-committee focus on narrative business documents has not stopped several organizations from embarking on the use of DITA for this purpose.

Many of us who are currently engaged in DITA-based business document projects feel that this is an ideal time for the DITA technical committee to support the efforts of these business users with standardized approaches and experienced-based guidance... A background document has been uploaded to the OASIS site and may be accessed by interested parties."

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