Stilo International Seeks Partners to Test Drive DITA

Seeking Partners to Test Drive DITA

Stilo International recently announced the introduction of Stilo Migrate, a ground-breaking on-demand service set to dramatically simplify the migration of legacy documents to DITA or other single-source publishing environments.

The service, which is currently in the beta testing phase, enables users to upload source documents via the web, and through a series of easy-to-follow steps, generate high quality DITA components, which can be immediately used in collaborative XML authoring applications.

Developed using Stilo’s OmniMark technology for XML content processing, the service provides high levels of performance, scalability and precision.

We are currently looking to collaborate with organisations that are contemplating the migration of Word or FrameMaker documents to DITA XML and who would welcome the opportunity of test-driving DITA at minimal cost by participating in the Stilo Migrate beta-test program.  For those organisations who do engage with us on our Migrate Beta Test Program, we will provide the Migrate service free of charge for a limited period of time, migrating up to 200 pages into DITA content components.

If you are interested in participating, please visit for further details.

We are also hosting a free one-hour webinar on Thursday 13 December 2007, 3.00pm GMT at which, as well as introducing Stilo Migrate, we will also be presenting Accelerating DITA, where we will be introducing strategies for systematically addressing the challenges associated with implementing DITA.

If you would like to find out more or register for this free webinar, please visit:

For further information, please contact:
Helen Owens  (
Marketing Communications Manager
Stilo International
Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehill Way
Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 6QR
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1793 441444

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