Tutorial: Specializing DITA Conditional Attributes

by W. Eliot Kimber

A new feature in DITA 1.1 is the ability to specialize from the base= and props= attributes. For conditional processing, this lets you add your own attributes rather than using otherprops=, which can be clearer to authors and implementors. Note that at the time of writing the DITA Open Toolkit does not implement support for specializations of props=, but it should be added soon.

This form of specialization is fairly easy to implement. This tutorial shows you how to do it using DTDs; the mechanism using Schemas is essentially the same and if you've stepped up to using the DITA 1.1 schemas I'm going presume you can figure this out on your own.

The specialization requires two things: (1) Modification of any shell DTDs that need to reflect the specialized attribute (e.g., topic.dtd, reference.dtd, or your own specialized topic types' shell DTDs). You integrate the specialization attribute domain through the shell DTDs. (2) For each specialization of props=, a '.ent' declaration set that defines the attribute and a corresponding domain declaration. This is the "attribute domain specialization module".  Note that as a rule, any production use of DITA will likely require local versions of the DITA-provided shell DTDs, if only to do configuration of the domains you need, so unless you are using DITA very informally, you should already have local copies of all the DITA-provided shell DTDs... For this tutorial assume we're putting everything in the directory dtd/myspecs within the normal DITA Open Toolkit distribution structure. It can go anywhere as long as you configure the entity resolution catalogs appropriately, but for initial development and testing I find it convenient to use relative paths to the various declaration components as that eliminates a variable from the configuration (resolution via catalogs) that can lead to confusing errors.

Once you've established that the declarations are correct you should replace all relative paths with absolute URLs or (if you must) PUBLIC IDs that are resolved via catalogs. For my development work I use the OxygenXML editor, which makes it easy to set up catalog configurations for testing resolution via catalogs, and generally testing the correctness of all the parts...


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