DITA Learning Content SC - Issues
Book page: Submitted by Bruce Esrig on Tue, 2006-10-17 21:51. Last updated on Wed, 2006-10-18 13:09.
We're currently focused on our Task 1 review of structured designs for learning and how to apply DITA principles and best practices.
Meetings so far:
- Reviewed learning specialization used in IBM for DB2 course content
- Reviewed CISCO RLO/RIO model and updates to it (2 meetings)
- Studied SCORM model for web-based learning environments
- Proposal to review Gagne learning events model. Also mention of scenarios as a way to select and organize learning content.
Topics for meeting on 19 October 2006:
- Discuss Gagne learning events model and relationship to RLO model (led by Wayne Gafford)
- Scenarios (led by France Baril)
Topics for meeting on 26 October 2006:
- Do we have general consensus on a top-level model?
- Can we state an initial set of information types for RIOs and structures for organizing them?
- Can we prioritize processing and deliverable targets (such as ILT, web, e-learning, SCORM) ?
- Can we develop an action plan for making decisions about SCORM, navigation/sequencing, and QTI interactions?
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