Conditional Inclusion

Hello All,

I am trying to migrate from a "home grown" SGML system which filters based on conditional inclusion. On output, the processor sees a list of product codes. It includes an element if the element has a 'product' attribute with an explicit value that includes at least one of those codes and omits it if the value includes none of those codes.

It appears that it is not currently possible to do this with the DITA OT "out of the box" because it is limited to the "exclude" action. Can someone verify this?  Any advice would be welcome.


Mike M

In order to include information about any of a list of products, you need to work both with the content and with the .ditaval file.

In the content, if you want to make a unit of content specific to a product, tag it with the name of that product. The value of the @product attribute of the applicable enclosing element will be a space-delimited list of the products for which the content is valid.

In the .ditaval file, create a <prop> element for each product name with an @action attribute set to "include" or "exclude" depending on whether the current build is intended to include that product.

Any content that is not tagged with any product name is included. Any content that is tagged only with the names of products that are excluded is excluded. Any content that is tagged with one or more names of products that are included is included.

Bruce Esrig Information Architect

Thanks, Bruce. That appears to be just what I need...and how it logically should work.

Best regards,

Mike M. Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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