Resource Directory

Information architecture for Web 2.0

Presented as a two-hour workshop at Content Week 2007:

  • Learn about information architecture and why you need it
  • Find suitable structures for content and content delivery
  • Manage document types with DITA XML
  • Navigate and find content in new ways: the role of wikis, folksonomies and adaptive content
  • Define content management strategies from the users' perspective

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DITA Pocket Guides: user group offer

Is your DITA User Group on the lookout for resources to provide to members and meeting attendees?  SiberLogic is providing 50-packs of mail-in order cards for our handy and highly recommended DITA Pocket Guide.  The cards are free, the DITA Pocket Guides are free, and shipping (of both cards and guides) is free...  Just email with the quantity you need.

"The DITA Pocket Guide is a great resource that DITA users seem to truly appreciate.

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Specialize, but not right away

by Bruce Esrig, Information Architect
In order to adopt DITA, it is essential to take a position on specialization. What is the best way to start: by defining specialized types right away, or by using DITA without specialization until the right structures can be found?

Ideally, your content would be best if you could define its structure well in advance. But is this possible? Let’s look at how a typical adoption process might go.

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Nesbitt - An Introduction to Dita

Scott Nesbitt has an article "An Introduction to DITA" at

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An Implementor's Viewpoint: Innodata-Isogen on DITA (Interview with Rick Schochler)

In this exclusive interview with Rick Schochler of Innodata Isogen, Scott Abel talks to Rick about his company’s experience working with the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA). While he and his firm see DITA as an excellent “option” for some organizations, he advises readers to maintain a “healthy skepticism” when it comes to software tools and their “support” for DITA. “Some day we’ll have tools that will provide some default functionality,” Schochler says.

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