Resource Directory

Do We Really Need All that Glue?

by JoAnn Hackos, PhD - President, Comtech Services and co-editor of DITA Specifications

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Transform Eclipse Navigation Files to DITA Navigation Files

by Loretta Hicks, IBM developerWorks

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Astoria Software's Move to DITA: An Interview with Chip Gettinger

In this exclusive interview, Scott Abel interviews Chip Gettinger, VP Services and Sales Support at Astoria Software, an XML content management software vendor, about his company’s experience moving to the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA).

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10 DITA Lessons Learned From Tech Writers in the Trenches

If you're considering a move to the Darwin Information Typing Architcture (DITA), make time to read "10 DITA Lessons Learned From Tech Writers in the Trenches."  This exclusive and informative article is based on interviews with technical writers at more than 20 software companies -- tech writers that are actually using DITA to create documentation today. It's jam-packed with useful advice, practical tips, honest warnings, and lessons learned from technical writers in the trenches. No marketing blabber. No hidden sales agenda.

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Recorded DITA Webinars

Numerous pre-recorded webinars previously provided by leading industry experts on the business benefits of DITA as well as planning and implementing a DITA-based solution.

Webinars can be accessed here (note: requires registration)

    Getting Started with DITA

    Abstract: You already know that DITA is right for your organization. But how do you implement DITA effectively in your organization to deliver the anticipated cost and time savings?

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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