"The DITA OASIS Standard is a testament to the benefits of bringing an entire community together to develop an open standard. DITA was advanced by users of documentation, such as BMC, IBM, Intel, Nokia, Oracle, Sun, and the U.S. Department of Defense, working with product vendors like PTC, with input from consulting firms such as Innodata Isogen and others. A variety of perspectives on software development, application implementation, open source tools, training, and localization were incorporated into the open process.
Comtech Services, Inc.
"Comtech Services has been an active participant in the development of the DITA standard, helping to found the OASIS DITA Technical Committee with IBM and others. Dr. JoAnn Hackos and staff have provided support for DITA through conferences, workshops, and presentations worldwide. We believe that DITA represents a new international standard for the development of consistent, effective, and minimal technical information."
"Nokia is pleased to see the standardization of DITA since it supports the effective exchange and reuse of information. We have contributed to developing an open standard in this area since this will enable organization of information by topic for a broad community."
Innodata Isogen
"DITA is a solid architectural base for developing modular information systems for technical documentation. It provides many of the important features that SGML architectures were intended to provide, but in an XML-friendly way. We see DITA as leading to more robust and sustainable systems for managing modular, re-usable information assets. In addition, DITA can lower the cost of entry for modular information creation, management, and delivery in much the way DocBook does for more traditionally-structured books."
Justsystems XMetaL
"While DITA was conceived for tech pubs, its benefits make it well-suited for other types of content, particularly the kinds of granular, customer-facing content that we typically see on the web. For example, product or services descriptions, reviews, and FAQs are inherently topic-oriented, but today are implemented in ad hoc or proprietary formats.