Difference between referenz and concept?
I read the DITA Architectural and Language Specification and a book about topic orientate writing, but I still have the problem, that I often don’t know if I should write content in a reference or a concept topic. The examples often do not help me because I write documentation for machines and not only for software.
How have you learned that?
One example:
During the machine is running the user have to do some activities. I have a topic with the following content (in a table):
when... | activity
continuously | * Do...
* Do...
daily | * Do...
* Do...
if necessary | * Do...
* Do...
Another example:
I have a picture which shows a component of a machine and under the picture is a legend with the name and description of the components. Is it a concept topic because not every reader needs the information and because it is an overview of the product?