Topic architecture questions
FrameMaker EDD: Setting image position
When I import a graphic into my structured FM document, it centers the image. How can I modify the FrameMaker EDD to position anchored frames on the right by default?
In the EDD, I changed the "align" attribute in my Image element from "string" to "choice" and defined a list of choices (left, center, or right). When I import a graphic, I set the attribute value to "right, but of course it doesn't affect the graphic position because I don't know how to define "right" for FrameMaker.
I'm a DITA newbie: Can I reproduce old structure or should I give it up?
We're moving from unstructured FM to Structured FM and DITA. Our procedures have always used this hiearchy:
Section 1
Part 1
Step A
In DITA, we'll be limited to two step levels. Do we need to throw out our old hiearchy and adopt a much more simple approach; for example:
Gathering information for a new template
What information do you need to gather from your Subject Matter Experts to follow a new concept-based template and create a procedure. In particular, what are good questions or information to gather to follow the new template and create a procedure, concept or pre and post requisites?
thead variant – row label
The standard definition seems to assume that labels are always column labels that belong in a thead. So, what about a table where the labels belong to rows?
tel 02 753 69 xx fax 02 753 69 xx e-mail sita BRUB AFTN EBBRIn terms of structure, the cells in bold are labels identifying the content that follows.
FLAG, how to use ?
I want to understand the flag usage.
How can I use ?
Where can I use ?
Why to use ?