
topicref in reltable but not in ditamap

I'm using DITA-FMx 1.00.21, XMetal 5 and the DITA-OT1.3.1.

I've got a ditamap with 3 topicrefs:

- topic A
- topic B [1]
- topic C

My reltable looks like this:

- topic A links to topic B [2]
- topic A links to topic C

I then delete the topicref to topic B in my ditamap [1], but not the link from A to B in the reltable [2] (I may forget to do this in "real life").

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DITAOT 1.4.2 and not resolved links to external PDF-s


I'm trying to publish DITA-map to PDF using DITAOT and RenderX - just a standard full installation, but my pdf-document inserted via <xref> doesn't appear in the final PDF - it wasn't copied into the OUT folder at all. Does anybody know is it possible to use cross-references to external pdfs just editing some settins; or xlst-s should be changed? Does DITAOT support external PDF-s in PDF-output?



Building htmlhelp


I think I got my reply to my earlier post concerning how to produce output using oxygen 9.1 I tried the startcmd at DITAOT prompt and then used the ant -f build_demo.xml; what has now put me with a question is; I am not getting an htmlhelp output which previously I did when I tried it from the example. I had a ditamap named myditamap with 2 topics and a concept xml file. Using the xmetal I can get the chm output for my project; but using ant -f build_demo.xml I am unable and infact when I select the pdf there is an error opening the pdf file.


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Problem with conditional exclusion

I am trying to use a .ditaval file to display conditional text:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prop att="audience" val="user" action="exclude"/>

In my topic, I have an element defined thusly:

<p audience="user">Only display this text for admin users</p>

When I do my build in debug mode, it seems to resolve ant.input.valfile correctly:

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Conditional Inclusion

Hello All,

I am trying to migrate from a "home grown" SGML system which filters based on conditional inclusion. On output, the processor sees a list of product codes. It includes an element if the element has a 'product' attribute with an explicit value that includes at least one of those codes and omits it if the value includes none of those codes.

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