Eclipse integration
Book page: Submitted by robander on Thu, 2006-04-27 18:49. Last updated on Fri, 2008-03-21 15:04.
Note: This design information has not been updated since original creation, and should no longer be considered up to date. Up to date information on the toolkit can be found here: The DITA Open Toolkit
Issue owner:
Stephen Zhang
Statement of problem or objective:
The objective is to integrate DITA Open Toolkit into PDE (Plug-in Development Environment) of Eclipse so that the user of PDE can develop help content in DITA and pack it into a help plug-in that can be delivered into Eclipse Help System.
Is this architecture, function, fix, or other?
Goals of this proposal:
The goals should at least include the following items:
- Create a new type of project in PDE for DITA
- Make DITA Open Toolkit as the default compiler to transform DITA to HTML
- Create preference page for DITA Open Toolkit to configure the toolkit and other necessary software such as Saxon or Xalan.
- Modify the processing logic of DITA Open Toolkit so that source files and output files can be organized in correct directory. For example, all of the DITA files can be in src directory and the output HTML files and XML files should be in out directory.
Use cases:
The user can following the steps below to build a help plug-in successfully:
- The user opens Eclipse and create a new PDE project
- The user applies DITA template to the project and the wizard for the template is prompted.
- In the wizard, the user sets the source directory, the main ditamap file, the output directory (default value is root directory of project), css storage directory(used to contain common.css and user customized css file), user customized css file name and conditional processing ditaval file.
- The main ditamap is created in the source directory and build.xml is created under root directory.
- The user creates new dita topic files in the source directory and modifies them with editor (Text editor or other editors)
- The user updates ditamap file to include the topic files he created.
- The user selects the build.xml and run with ANT.
- After the transformation, the output is in the output directory which is set in the build.xml
- The user edits its plug-in decription in the plug-in editor and refer to the toc files generated in output directory
- The user update the build property file to include all output files. The output files should NOT be in the source directory
- The user export the output to a document plug-in
Note: build.xml can be customized to meet the requirement of headless build.
Arthur Ryman
Interested parties:
List of people interested in potential meetings or discussions. Use obfuscated addresses, please. For example, dond at us dot ibm dot com
Proposed design:
Design for Eclipse integration
Note: All design discussions should occur on the dita-ot-developer list at the dita-ot sourceforge site.
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