Revision of Taxonomy specialization plug-in from Sun, 2007-11-25 08:02

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A plug-in for the DITA toolkit that enables a taxonomy specialization is available for download at Although the plug-in is somewhat experimental, it is being used, and merits mention here.

The URL to access the plug-in is:

Here are some simple notes on how to retrieve and install the plug-in.

  1. Look for the "Plug-ins: specializations" category
  2. Pick the latest version (at this writing,
  3. Unzip into your base DITA directory to create demo/thesaurus
  4. In the base DITA directory, execute
ant -f demo\thesaurus\install-plugin.xml

The specialization plug-in provides documentation at the relative path of  demo\thesaurus\doc and a sample at demo\thesaurus\sample within your base DITA directory.

Broader topic: Taxonomies and subject classification Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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