Revision of parameters-to-the-DITA-OT-transform from Tue, 2009-05-12 15:52
Wiki page: Submitted by robander on Tue, 2009-05-12 15:09. Last updated on Sat, 2012-06-16 09:46.
Ant and XSLT Parameters to the DITA Open Toolkit
This page is a collection point for parameters in the core DITA-OT that can be set by tools or individual users running a build. Note: the main landing page for information about the toolkit is here:
As you can see at this point, this item is just a starter page, with more information coming soon.
Most of this information would be more usable in a tabular format, but this wiki does not appear to support tables. For each parameter below, the Ant parameter is listed first, followed by valid values (if any), followed by a description. If applicable, a corresponding XSLT parameter is listed at the end. If you have an idea for a better way to store this, please comment!
General processing parameters
- ${args.draft} - "no" or "yes", default is "no". Indicates whether draft-comment and required-cleanup elements are included in the generated file. Corresponds to XSLT parameter DRAFT.
- ${dita.ext} - any value, defaults to ".xml". Specifies an extension to use for DITA topics; all DITA topics will use this single extension in the temp directory. Corresponds to XSLT parameter DITAEXT.
- ${dita.input.valfile} - any value. Specifies the DITAVAL file used for processing. Corresponds to XSLT parameter FILTERFILE.
XHTML specific parameters
- ${args.artlbl} -"no" or "yes", defaults to "no". Indicates whether the filename of each image will appear alongside the image, typically for review purposes. Corresponds to the XSLT parameter ARTLBL.
- ${args.css.file} - any value. Specifies a CSS file, expected without path. Corresponds to XSLT parameter CSS.
- ${args.hdf} - any value. Specfies a file that contains an XHTML fragment to be inserted into the <head> of every generated XHTML file. NOTE: the fragment must be valid XML, with a single root element; if you need to add two peer elements, place them in a <div>, and the build will discard that wrapper. Corresponds to the XSLT parameter HDF.
- ${args.hdr} - any value. Specfies a file that contains an XHTML fragment to be inserted at the top of the body in each generated XHTML file. NOTE: the fragment must be valid XML, with a single root element; common practice is to place all contents into <div>. Corresponds to the XSLT parameter HDR.
- ${args.indexshow} - "no" or "yes", defaults to "no". When set to yes, index terms will appear inline in brackets, typically for review purposes. Corresponds to the XSLT parameter INDEXSHOW.
- ${} - any value. Specfies a file that contains an XHTML fragment to be inserted at the bottom of the body in each generated XHTML file. NOTE: the fragment must be valid XML, with a single root element; common practice is to place all contents into <div>. Corresponds to the XSLT parameter FTR.
- ${out.ext} - any value, defaults to ".html". Specifies an output extension for XHTML topics. Corresponds to XSLT parameter OUTEXT.
- ${user.csspath} - any value, default is the root map's directory. Specifies a path for CSS links added to XHTML output (default and user files). Corresponds to XSLT parameter CSSPATH.
- genDefMeta
PDF specific parameters
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