Revision of NLDITA 2011 - call for speakers and call for sponsors from Thu, 2011-04-14 13:06

NLDITA 2011, the annual conference on DITA and topic based writing. June 1 in Utrecht, The Netherlands, Europe.

Join Don Day, Doug Gorman, Jang Graat, Yves Barbion, Andy Lewis, Jonatan Lundin, Mollye Barrett, Kristoff van Tomme, Kit Brown-hoekstra and others who are speaking at the NLDITA 2011.


We still have slots open for presentations on:

- getting started with DITA

- Metrics and ROI 

- simplifying DITA

- DITA for authors

- use cases, best practices, implementation

- content strategy

- publishing

Go to for more information.


Expose your product at NLDITA 2011 

There are some slots left for sponsors: exhibition boot and optional presentation. Join SDL, Adobe, Sperotech, JusSystems, VLC, Componize, Tedopres and iG5.

Ask for sponsoring options at




Wim Hooghwinkel - Bureau NLDITA 
 Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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