
The following is a list of pages on this site that are tagged with nldita.


NLDITA Winter 2011: call for speakers

For the upcoming NLDITA Winter Special we are calling speakers and sponsors to participate. Subject of the conference is : localization and translation of DITA and XML content.

Conditions for speaking or presenting at NLDITA Winter Special 2011:

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Join us at NLDITA 2011 – 1st of june in Utrecht

Join us at NLDITA 2011 – 1st of june in Utrecht– You will meet and get to know technical authors of product and softwaredocumentation, knowledge workers, people from publishing, eLearning and eBookdeveloping companys, localization vendors, XML developers and many othersprofessionally occupied with documentation and publication processes.

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NLDITA 2011 - call for speakers and call for sponsors

NLDITA 2011, the annual conference on DITA and topic based writing. June 1 in Utrecht, The Netherlands, Europe.

Join: Don Day, Doug Gorman, Jang Graat, Yves Barbion, Andy Lewis, Jonatan Lundin, Mollye Barrett, Kristoff van Tomme, Kit Brown-hoekstra and others who are speaking at NLDITA 2011.


We still have slots open for presentations on:

- getting started with DITA

- Metrics and ROI 

- simplifying DITA

- DITA for authors

- use cases, best practices, implementation

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DITA Tools and more ... NLDITA, April 1 2011

NLDITA Tools 2011 is April 1 2011 in Utrecht, The Netherlands

Hands On presentations of tools and best practices for Authoring, Managing and Publishing DITA content.

We especially invite sponsors and vendors who deliver DITA services and tools to sign in for this day. 

NLDITA Tools 2011 is an excellent opportunity to present your solution to information professionals who are in the decision making process of choosing their information strategy.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I