DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

DITA Metrics: Reuse Strategy and Savings Trend With Warehouse Topics

This paper is the third in the DITA Metrics series which examines the cost and reuse values for a DITA project to determine DITA ROI. The concepts and ideas discussed are based on the cost model introduced in the first paper, DITA Metrics: Cost Metrics – Part 1.

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DITA Metrics - Savings Trend With Reusable Master Topics

This paper is the second in the DITA Metrics series which examines the cost and reuse values for a DITA project to determine DITA ROI. The concepts and ideas discussed are based on the cost model introduced in the first paper, DITA Metrics: Cost Metrics – Part 1

This paper looks at the savings trend when reusable master topics are used to document similar products. How much does it cost to document each additional similar product?

Many thanks to Julio Vazquez for his excellent review and feedback on this paper. Thanks Julio!

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Newbie question: How do you pronounce DITA ?

Do you say "D-I-T-A" or something else?



Carnegie Mellon University Instructors Use MadCap Flare to Teach Software Documentation Best Practices

Carnegie Mellon University instructors are using MadCap Flare in their Software Documentation class. MadCap's flagship authoring software enables students at all skill levels to create online software documentation that incorporates state-of-the-art practices, such as topic-based authoring and single-source publishing.

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XMLmind DITA Converter 1.2.0

XMLmind DITA Converter 1.2.0 allows to convert DITA documents to EPUB (standard e-book format).
Fixes a few minor bugs.
More info in http://www.xmlmind.com/ditac/changes.html

Download XMLmind DITA Converter 1.2.0 from

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