DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Using javascript with DITA

Hi All,

How to use javascript with DITA

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"Why XML, Why Now, Why DITA" Julio Vasquez speaks at Arbortext User Group (virtual)

27 Mar 2010 - 09:00 - 10:30
Event Type: 

Understanding DITA 1.2: Keys, conref extensions, and more

Presentation by Robert Anderson (IBM) and Kristen James Eberlein (Eberlein Consulting) at the 24 February 2010 meeting of the RTP DITA Users' Group. Jointly sponsored with the Boston DITA User Group.

DITA 1.2 is the forthcoming version of the DITA standard. Under development since 2007, it contains new functionality that makes DITA even more powerful and flexible. This presentation will focus on the following big-ticket items:

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Single-Sourcing Blog

Interviewing DITA vendors

Authorized doesn't mean qualified: Be careful choosing an Arbortext reseller.

Lately we've been getting a lot of calls after customers purchased Arbortext from an unqualified vendor. They were told that the Arbortext DITA application works out of the box (which it does) -- for their unique set of circumstances.

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Single-Sourcing Blog

Authorized doesn't mean qualified: Be careful choosing an Arbortext reseller

Lately we've been getting a lot of calls after customers purchase Arbortext from an unqualified vendor. They come to us because they've been left out in the cold. There is little or no support coming from the reseller that sold them the products. The reseller sold them the wrong product set. They spent more than they had to. The stories go on and on. By the time they come to us, it's too late for us to help them.

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