DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Par Pharmaceutical Embraces XML for SPL and Dynamic Publishing

Beginning in 2005, the Food & Drug Administration began passing Structured Product Labeling (SPL) rulings that require pharmaceutical manufacturers to submit drug product labels in XML. Most recently, the FDA issued SPL R4, a revision to SPL that mandates that starting June 1, 2009, all product label content must be submitted by pharmaceutical companies electronically in XML.

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IXIASOFT DITA CMS solution v2.6 now available

IXIASOFT’s latest version of the DITA CMS solution offers enhances search, speed
and overall usability to manage technical documentation

Montreal, Canada – August 18th 2009 – IXIASOFT, the XML content management market leader, announced the availability of version 2.6 of its DITA CMS solution. With this new version, organizations can further leverage the topic-oriented architecture of DITA and maintain their competitive advantages.

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Fujitsu Enabling Software Technology GmbH decides to use DITAworks

Fujitsu Enabling Software Technology GmbH will be using DITAworks as a tool for documentation based on DITA standard with immediate effect.

Fujitsu Enabling Software Technology GmbH, together with *instinctools, extensively tested DITAworks in its own projects and the practical experience of a large company contributed to the quality and production-readiness of this recently introduced software.

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The DITA Caper

UPDATE on the RealWorld DITA 2009 Conference in Raleigh NC (Sept 2009)

Those of you who have attended our Raleigh DITA conferences before know that we work to set a high quality schedule with technical speakers and relevant topics.  If you know me, you know that I strive to produce events that help users move up from their current level by building an opportunity for them to learn from the right presentation collection and through at-event peer networking.

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