DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

The DITA Caper

Impromptu DITA

Yesterday, we had a DITA session covered by Leigh White. She jumped right in when another speaker had an emergency. With no planning, she made it happen, which was great for the attendees interested in learning about DITA.

DITA 101: Fundamentals of DITA for Authors and Managers

DITA 101: Fundamentals of DITA for Authors and Managers

If you're in the process of implementing DITA, expect to do so in the future, or just want to learn more about it without having to wade through technical specifications, this is the book for you.

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The DITA Caper

Companies are contributing

Companies are contributing to the upcoming RealWorld DITA 2009 Conference.  Adobe Systems and XyEnterprise have stepped up as sponsors.  Additional companies are "vending" at the event.

Adobe is also sponsoring the Summer XML 2009 conference!  Here is a link to a recent post by Mahesh from Adobe on their blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/techcomm/. This post is about the XML conference -- happening tomorrow in Raleigh NC -- and it mentions DITA too.


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Can I control what happens to attributes in conref-ed elements ?

When I conref an element, the attributes - excepting id and conref of course - are copied from the source to the reference element. This also happens when updating the conrefs. Is there a way to control this behavior, i.e. suppress it for specific elements ?

InsideOut Issue 3 - Quality content conversion for demanding publishing environments

Putting conversion quality to the test

How do you define quality in content conversion?  Is it only about the output? Or do the performance, speed and reliability of the process matter too?  In the latest issue of InsideOut, Stilo put its leading OmniMark content processing solution to the test to see how it would stand up against the DITA Open Toolkit in demanding publishing environments.

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OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | XML.org | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I