DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Can't get action='flag' to work for conditional text

I'm new to DITA and have been trying to use conditional text in the DITA Open Toolkit.  I can get the 'include' and 'exclude' actions to work with no issues.  When I use the 'flag' action, the conditional text appears or disappears as desired, however, the 'flag' text does not appear.  By 'flag' text, I mean the text that is supposed to be prepended to the conditional text.

I've searched and searched on the web and tried all possible variations of the 'prop' element with action='flag' but I just can't get it to work.

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FLAG , how to create ?

My question is about old questuon.
I am sending my files in oder to create a flag.,
I created the file c:\teste.bmp to use.
I am sending my files to you analize.
If someone interests, I send the files. Thanks


I have an automated script running ant, but the some operations I do , need to type the command, give the answers.
If I have something like this:

ant -f file.xml -t pdf -o output_example ...
Where t=target, o=output...

And the other options.
Doing that, I could run ant without someone typing need.

2008 DITA Europe Conference Call for Speakers

The Center for Information-Development Management announces the 4th Annual DITA Europe Conference
November 17-18, 2008, in Munich, Germany.

You can contribute!

The CIDM and Dr. JoAnn Hackos ask you to consider bringing your best practices to the upcoming DITA Europe conference.

We invite you to share your experiences in content management strategies, DITA implementation, DITA tools, topic-based authoring, and introducing new practices into your organizations.

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Suite Solutions Assumes Leadership Role to Support PDF Generation from the DITA Open Toolkit

X-Pubs Conference, London, June 23, 2008 — Suite Solutions today announced that it will accept the leadership role in supporting PDF publishing functionality provided by the DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT). The FO plug-in, initially developed and supported by Idiom, currently facilitates PDF generation of DITA XML documents using the XSL-FO formatting standard.

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