DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Using DITA for documenting a web-based application but forced to used mediawiki

hi (and apologies for the long text - it just did not work out shorter),

i work @ a company that creates web applications for government administrations (before that we delivered client-software). this software is used by a multitude of different stakeholders and therefore demands several types of documentation. our software is very feature-rich and highly configurable, our web interfaces are complex. so we need a flexible solution for a documentation that can easily be adjusted to fit different configurations.

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IMAP Structure Information Type and DITA

What DITA topic type (reference or concept) best logically fits the IMAP Structure information type?

Generating CHM: do all embedded files need to be in subfolders?

I've been trying to generate a CHM file which references images in a sibling folder (strictly speaking, a sibling subfolder).

The output HTML is in the folder myfolder/out; each file includes the following image reference:

<img src="../templates/images/logo.jpg">


When I look at the HTML files in a browser, the image appears, but when I open the CHM, it's missing.

Similarly, the CSS I'm using is applied when I view the topics in a browser, but is not applied in the CHM.

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Trouble with configuring XMetal for Dita and generating output


 We’ve just started with a Dita project using XMetal. We’ve been successful with setting up the Dita environment, meaning we’ve been able to run ant all successfully and test the dita installation. But have not been successful with configuring XMetal. Basically not all steps from the client’s style guide went smooth because of the differences between the versions of XMetal.

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Design for fixing chunking bugs

Design for Bug # 1897542
What user need will be met by this feature?Users needn't worry about their topic ids conflicting with other's. Duplicated topicIDs betwwen different dita files are handled automated by Chunk module.

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