DITA to XLIFF and Back - Understanding the technical solution
DITA to XLIFF and Back — two complementary standards that reduce the costs and risks of translating XML content
The DITA Caper
DITA: It's elementary
In doing some training recently, I've found that there are some specific things about structured writing, topic-based authoring, and DITA that can seem foreign to some. I'm working at writing these ideas and logical concepts in a straightforward, beginning level tutorial.
I'd be interested in hearing from those who are struggling with learning DITA writing techniques. If you are looking for some basic, descriptive info, please email me. I will send you a draft and would love to have your feedback.
Formatting documents and DITA with XSL-FO
Presentation by Michael Miller at XPubs 2008.
XSL-FO is a powerful document formatting standard from the W3C that is being used in thousands of implementations worldwide. It is used extensively for training documentation, by both government and professional publishers, in the aerospace and defense sectors and by software developers, financial institutions, automobile manufacturers and virtually everywhere documents need to be formatted.
Incremental Adoption of DITA: A Real-World Example
Presentation by Martin Jakubik at XPubs 2008.